of your organization
starts here.
I am Andreas Streubig, and I am here to help you make your organization function more effectively.
A little about me, and about why and how I do what I do
After completing my studies in natural sciences almost 30 years ago, I began my journey working for some of Europe's leading corporates. These were: Otto Group, a family-owned retailer, and HUGO BOSS, a publicly listed top brand in the premium goods industry. I have held a variety of senior management roles, where I have built
high-performance teams across a multitude of functions.
Through these years, I have focused on building processes, teams and structures across international supply chains. A significant part of my career - in terms of both time and content – has been devoted to corporate responsibility, including the development and management of more sustainable supply chains, modern stakeholder communication and the establishment of a corporate citizenship strategy.
I approach corporate responsibility not through altruism, but based on the belief that it is management’s obligations to limit the company’s impact on the planet (both environmental and social) and to create positive impact: sustainability has the power to create true competitive advantage and differentiate a business at times of growing public and, in particular, consumer interest. This is what drives me.
These roles have provided me with the opportunity to not just deliver, but also learn from the mistakes which I and others have made. I use these learnings to ensure that organisations can avoid these issues and drive
efficiencies quickly.
First of all, there is often a poor integration of such roles into what the company itself defines as its core business.
In addition, there is a lack of appreciation due to sub-optimal communication of actions and successes; economic constraints as a result of an only P&L-driven internal management logic; poorly managed interfaces to relevant adjacent departments; and a lack adequate processes, structures and the corresponding management of the same.
Many organisations accept these failings and inefficiencies as a necessary part of doing business, in the sense that there is no alternative. I do not believe this is true. I am convinced that companies are facing a paradigm shift. Many of the support functions that were once considered 'non-core business functions' will become much more critical to success in the future, particularly against the backdrop of current developments - increasing digitization of entire business models and their value chains, the often invoked 'war for talent' and an increasing awareness of the need for more sustainable concepts.
This is where I can help, engaging with your teams, and maximising their potential. With a bulging fund of personal experience from almost 30 years of corporate work, and a sound education as a coach and team optimizer.
I do not see my work as a silver bullet to all of your issues. I as well don't consult on technical sustainability issues, write CR reports, or calculate LCAs. There are many highly esteemed colleagues who are better than I am in these areas and with whom I am happy to collaborate intensively where you wish. I see my role as that of an 'enabler': I help the members of the corresponding teams on your side to find an effectiveness in their own work, which will contribute to the prosperity of the company, and at the same time deliver personal satisfaction, which ultimately leads to better staff retention.
The starting point of our joint work is a status quo analysis and initial measurement, before we create long term goals and roadmaps. "What should we do differently?" will be one of the guiding questions here. From this starting point, we start working in and with the teams, driving improvements in individual performance and building more collaborative working relationships.
I will be satisfied when you are.
Through these years, I have worked about processes and structures along international supply chains, and I was what is typically called a 'corporate guy'. A significant part of my career - in terms of both time and content - I devoted to corporate responsibility, including the development and management of more sustainable supply chains, modern stakeholder communication and the establishment of a corporate citizenship strategy.
This is not because I am a so-called tree-hugger, or am driven entirely by altruistic motives. No, I simply believe it is management’s obligations to counter the use of resources (both ecological and social) caused by the company with a reciprocal effort to minimize damage and risk, and to create positive impact. This is what drives me.
My Clients Say...
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It comes down to 3 things:

Corporate Mechanics
I have found that there are often inbuilt barriers in the way that hierarchical orgs are structured, and the processes they have set up. As if this were not enough, politics can amplify existing issues in all teams. With the expertise I have developed over years, I can enable these teams to better understand and maneuvre the landscape within which they operate, thereby increasing productivity.
Team Dynamics
Internal hurdles can prevent teams from functioning under nearly all circumstances, and this inhibits high performance. Hidden agendas, personal animosities and legacy working issues, to name a few. Based on personal experience and additional training, I am helping teams to cooperate better internally.
Interface Management
Big cooperations are usually set up with divided responsibilities and competencies. So, no matter how good we think we are ourselves – to be successful in large organizations, we need to collaborate with others. Across reporting lines and hierarchical levels, I can help your people with this.
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